
Assassin'sCreedUnityisanaction-adventure,stealthgameplayedfromathird-personperspectiveandsetinanopenworldenvironment.Thegamefeaturesa ...,這次,您將扮演屬於自己的英雄。您可以自訂阿爾諾的裝備外觀與機制,全然掌控阿爾諾的一切。除了充滿史詩風格的單人遊戲之外,《刺客教條:大革命》也讓您能夠與最多三位 ...,Assassin'sCreed®Unityisanaction/adventuregamesetinthecityofParisduringoneofitsdarkesthours,theF...

Assassin's Creed Unity

Assassin's Creed Unity is an action-adventure, stealth game played from a third-person perspective and set in an open world environment. The game features a ...

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這次,您將扮演屬於自己的英雄。您可以自訂阿爾諾的裝備外觀與機制,全然掌控阿爾諾的一切。除了充滿史詩風格的單人遊戲之外,《刺客教條:大革命》也讓您能夠與最多三位 ...

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Assassin's Creed® Unity is an action/adventure game set in the city of Paris during one of its darkest hours, the French Revolution. Take ownership of the story ...

Assassin's Creed® Unity

法國大革命讓這座曾經金碧輝煌的城市淪落成恐懼與混亂之地。膽敢起義挑戰暴虐統治者的平民,他們的鮮血染紅了圓石鋪成的街道。在這個國家分崩離析之際,一位名為亞諾(Arno ...

Assassin's Creed Unity《刺客教條:大革命》

除了史詩般的單人故事情節外,玩家還可與其他3 名朋友一同線上合作體驗18 世紀的巴黎開放世界。阻止貪婪的搶奪行動,加入這場專為協力遊玩所設計的獨特故事,這些行動包括 ...

Assassin's Creed Unity

In addition to an epic Singe Player campaign, join up to three friends and experience the online open world of 18th century Paris. Pull off ambitious Heists and ...

購買Assassin's Creed Unity

Assassin's Creed Unity is an action/adventure game set in the city of Paris during one of its darkest hours, the French Revolution.


《刺客教條:大革命》(英語:Assassin's Creed Unity,中國大陸譯作「刺客信條:大革命」)是育碧公司開發的一部動作冒險隱蔽類遊戲。本作是《刺客教條系列》的第八部作品 ...